The Sleepsafe project in Bournemouth, run by Faithworks Wessex, is a winter emergency beds scheme for rough sleepers who want to make a change in their lives.
By providing a safe and secure place to shelter, “Sleepsafers” are enabled to make better decisions through reducing sleep deficit and making them feel more human after enjoying a shower.
In the winter of 2016-17 we helped to fund the project for one month by donating £5,000. This money helped to take 47 people off the streets, get them into more secure accommodation and give them shelter and guidance to improve their lives.
Following a serious car accident, one man had been hospitalised for several months and, therefore, lost tenancy and home. He came into Sleepsafe to get stability while he got ID and re-established contact with family. Sleepsafe was a stepping stone to now having his own flat, volunteering with BCARS and now having a paid job.
Having witnessed the great work done by the Sleepsafe project last winter, we are pleased to be able to donate another £5,000 for the 2017-18 winter.